Can You Hear Us Now? Women's March LA.
January, 21, 2017.
We The People... marched on Los Angeles in the largest political protest in U.S. history.
Make no mistake, this is history. We are inciting the change we hope to see in the world. The same change many have been fighting for, long before us.
To be heard.
Take a look at this photograph and tell me when it was taken.
1919? 1960? Perhaps 1968?
Look around you! We can get through the next 4 years!
Or how about 2017.
I had the privilege and opportunity to stand in solidarity and support with a united statehood of sisters, with friends old and new.
750,000 of them, to be exact, in Los Angeles alone.
Not one act of violence. Not one single arrest.
It remarkably felt that nearly everyone I knew was participating in this day, somehow, somewhere. All day long we marveled at the photos and news stories streaming in through social media with a unified sense of wonder and pride.
Perhaps now they will listen. Perhaps now they will hear us.
Positively Profound, Passionate, Proudly Patriotic, & Perfectly Peaceful.
Every race, age group, gender, nationality, belief, orientation and, in some cases, species was represented and accepted.
It was American...
...What American is supposed to be.
The outpouring of inclusive and creative energy was inspiring.
The spirits and signs were held high.
I am honored and emboldened by the action being taken throughout the world galaxy.
I am scared.
I am worried for me, people like me, and people that I love.
Today proved that I am not alone.
I am one in a 2.5 Million.
Someone not born in Kenya pretty rad said, "On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics" on his inauguration day in 2009.
This is Day 1.
We must not be stagnant. We must not let this become normal.
We cannot get accustomed to the chaos. We cannot be neutral.
We are afraid. But we must not fly.
We must stand and fight, together.
Your fear does not scare us.
So Suck It!
Because We Won't.
We pledge allegiance to each other.
"...And these children
that you spit on
as they try to change their worlds
are immune to your consultations.
They're quite aware
of what they're going through..."
-David Bowie
To everyone marching, organizing, supporting, speaking out and using your voice for change:
Thank You, I am proud to be among you.
If you are interested, want to be involved, or aren't sure what happens next, I urge you to check out 10 Actions / 100 Days and participate. Challenge yourself and each other to make the world a little better and do one thing the Trump administration wouldn't like each day.
We aren't giving up.
Thanks for being awesome.