

Guest:  Rob Gross

Interview Date: 4/14/2020

Episode Title: A Crazy Loaded Question Pt. 2
Show #: 002

Brief summary of show: 

PART TWO. Rob Gross, V.P. of Marketing at BMG Music in Los Angeles, joins Brie to discuss effective marketing strategies in the music industry, and what he has learned by developing artists such as The Killers, The Struts, and The Rolling Stones. Hear how Rob’s taste in music has (or hasn’t) evolved and the strange ways Covid-19 is impacting the faces, and the future of entertainment and the live event industry.

Bullet points of key topics & time stamps: 

●      So how do you make playlists? (44:00)

●      Metallica is the weed of metal… (53:00)

●      Dave Grohl is our Phil Collins… (1:02)

●      You can’t, but you should try… (1:08)

●      I just don’t fuck with Prince… (1:17)


List of resources mentioned in episode, suggested reading & social media handles: 

●      @BrieCube

●      @_Instagross_

●      @davestruestories

●      Shout Video

loudness war.png

The Loudness War is a real thing.

 Thanks so much for listening!

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003 BrieSearch Subject: Debra West


001 BrieSearch Subject: Rob Gross