

Guest:  Tom Toomey
Name of show: The BrieSearch Project
Episode title: If you can remember the 60’s - you weren’t there.

Show number: 006

Brief summary of show: 

Tom Toomey is the lead guitarist of the legendary rock group The Zombies who were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2019 and just finished a tour with Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys. Tom gives us insights on working his way through a music career spanning from session-musician, to band member, to solo-artist and now producer. He fills Brie in on his 5 decades of iconic milestones and collaborations and dishes some sage advice for artists with musical aspirations.

Bullet points of key topics & time stamps: 

●      If you can remember the 60’s then you weren’t there… 7:28

●      The Zombies… 13:35

●      The music business, 60s to Spotify… 30:20

●      Imposter Syndrome… 41:40

●      If you’ve got a talent… 45:20

●      Music for Africa… 54:30 

List of resources mentioned in episode, suggested reading & social media handles: 

●      @tomtoomey


●      The Zombies

●      Music For Africa

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007 BrieSearch Subject: Jeff Timmons


005 BrieSearch Subject: Eric Balfour