

Guest:  Eric Balfour
Name of show: The BrieSearch Project
Episode title: Dad Swag

Show #: 005

Brief summary of show: 

Brie welcomes actor, director, political nerd, and friend, Eric Balfour (Kids Incorporated, Six Feet Under, The O.C., 24, Charmed) to have a heart-to-heart about growing up in ‘the business’, lessons the entertainment industry needs to learn, and how quarantine is affecting his most important job to date - being Oliver's Dad.

*Disclaimer* - This interview was recorded in the summer of 2020 and prior to Kamala Harris being chosen as the VP candidate.

Bullet points of key topics & time stamps: 

●      Here’s who I am not… 12:40

●      Running drugs for the Manson family...17

●      You are living your life right now… 38

●      Smartest MFer on the planet… 53

List of resources mentioned in episode, suggested reading & social media handles: 

●      @briecube

●      @ericbalfour

●      Charmed


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006 BrieSearch Subject: Tom Toomey


004 BrieSearch Subject: Zac Mertens